
to the artist Biriney's workshop for Nana figurines.
The name 'Biriney' stands for unique, high-quality Nana figurines inspired by the works of Niki de Saint Phalle.

Please contact us if you have any questions or special requests. It goes without saying that we will tailor our discussion to your individual needs.

We're so glad you're interested!


Updates for September 2024


Biriney Nana seen on TV. SR broadcast: “Emsland, that’s where I want to go!” from 05/14/23.
The small, unique Nana made of synthetic resin has been standing in the Enking family's beautiful mill garden for around 13 years.
Link to the video (from min. 14). With kind permission of the SR.

Commissioned work: large heart for outdoor use,
to be modeled from 2K synthetic resin.



 Follow us on Instagram 
You'll find up-to-date pictures and insights into my work.


I am happy to have been selected as one of the scholarship
holders of the Rhineland-Palatinate Cultural Promotion 2021.




I have had the honour of working for the following customers (to name just a few):
CEBIT Hannover | Siemens AG | Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH | Roche Pharma AG | SERVAIR FR | Lab Orange FR | Latham & Watkins LLP | Robert Bosch GmbH | Lidl GmbH & Co KG | AUCOTEC AG DE | Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH | Medical Tribune Verlagsgesellschaft mbH | KENDRIS AG CH | Graub��ndner Kantonalbank CH | Holzer Consulting GmbH Schweiz | BDH CONSULTING CH | SMC Luxembourg | assekuranz ag S.A. LUX | Klinikum Region Hannover | HANNOVER Finanz GmbH | hannoverimpuls GmbH | Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH | Frauenklinik Dr. Geisenhofer GmbH | MedPlan Engineering AG Schweiz | Kantonsspital Obwalden CH | Spital Tiefenau CH | Acura Kliniken | Privatpraxis Schuermann DE | DR. BOCK INDUSTRIES AG | MINDSHARE FR | Group Soumere FR